
Published on April 2nd, 2018 | by Biz Books

2018 Storyhive Spotlight: Bridges Burning is pleased to showcase a few of the local creators for this round of the 2018 Storyhive Digital Shorts Edition.

In this interview, we talked to Eric Pauls about Bridges Burning.


Can you start by telling us about you and your film?

Bridges Burning is a dramatic thriller about a young woman, coming off a stint in prison. She is out to find some sort of redemption for the events that brought her to this low. However her past won’t let go, as her violent Ex is looking for something from her.

Who else is involved in this project?

The project was written by Michael Janke and Eric Pauls. They have been making films together for the past few years, including the feature film To the Mountain. Eric will also direct Bridges Burning and Michael will do the cinematography.

What would making this film mean to you?

The opportunity to make something you have written is always extremely rewarding. In this case the subject matter and the visual style of the film will allow us a chance to explore a side of filmmaking we haven’t dealt with in the past. It isn’t easy to find financing for creatively driven projects and the Storyhive platform is amazing because it provides a means for filmmakers to push themselves. We want to take full advantage of that opportunity by making something that will surprise not only the audience but ourselves.



What film-related books or authors have been influential in your career so far?

When it comes to authors who have influenced the type of story that Bridges Burning is, I would have to credit Kurt Vonnegut and Ernest Hemingway: Vonnegut for the unique way his stories unfold, taking turns in places and in directions you least expect, and Hemingway for the way he can hit you in the gut with only the facts you need and nothing more. Without any backstory, he can place you in a scene and with a few choice details he can pull you right in. If I have to cite specific books I would say To Have and Have Not by Ernest Hemingway and Galapagos by Kurt Vonnegut.

Where can we find out more about your film?

For now you can find us at and on Instagram at @bridgesburningfilm


Thanks to Eric Pauls for speaking with us!

For more information about this project and the other Storyhive digital short entries, please visit

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