The Biz Interview: Camping Trip Feature
Horror films are one of the most enduring genres in film, making them a favourite for both established and aspiring filmmakers.
Camping Trip is a new short film in development that promises to subvert the story of two young lovers, their RV, and an unexpected (and deadly) visitor while offering up some good scares in the process.
Leading the way on Camping Trip are Vancouver talents Amy McLeish (Director), Jaden Braunwarth (Producer), Zlatina Pacheva (Writer/Producer), Kevin Rigney (Director of Photography), Matt Popp (First Assistant Director), Ainsley Barteluk (Production Designer), Hannah-Rose Brearley (Key Costumes), Jenny Zheng (Propsmaster), Christopher Graham (Set Decorator), Emily Walsh (Hair & Makeup), and Tina Marie McCulloch (Casting Director).
We caught up with Zlatina Pacheva and Kevin Rigney to hear more about their horror-fueled ambitions for the project and their crowdfunding campaign.
Can you start by telling us a little bit about you and your involvement with Camping Trip?
Zlatina Pacheva: I’m a writer/director/producer in Vancouver. I wrote Camping Trip a few months ago and approached the very talented Amy McLeish to direct. She’s brought together an amazing team and I’m now assisting Producer Jaden Braunwarth with pre-production duties.
Kevin Rigney: I’m Kevin Rigney, playing the role of Cinematographer for Camping Trip. Amy (Director) and I will be working closely together to create the look, style and feel of the movie. I love this genre, very excited to be working with a very a talented group of women on this. I’ve been working in film for 10 years and these independent projects are my favourite place to be. When I have the opportunity to work with friends and we get to create something together, I find that to be very rewarding and special.
What should audiences expect from Camping Trip?
Zlatina Pacheva: An unconventional plot with all the blood and guts you’d expect from a typical slasher film. We’re subverting gender depictions while also ensuring the film is scary and super fun. Also, our team is 70% women so we hope the female voice rings loud and clear throughout this – it even starts with an excerpt from a Sylvia Plath poem so… ya know.
Kevin Rigney: I think the technology driven youth of today will get a bit of a connection out of the film, It may make them think twice about social media.
Why do you think the horror genre has remained so popular?
Zlatina Pacheva: Having grown up watching horror movies every weekend with my best friend, I think the main reason is because it’s just so damn fun. Nothing brings people together like cowering under blankets or screaming your face off in a movie theatre.
In a more psychological vein – this Vice article discusses how horror films are a sort of cathartic release for those struggling with anxiety. As someone who has always been anxious, I can wholeheartedly relate to this.
Kevin Rigney: It’s really a way to experiment with the audiences fear, horror has evolved a lot with technology and it leaves people wanting more each time. If you go back 20 years, you didn’t really get to see the actual violence, now a days people want that pay off I think.
“Nothing brings people together like cowering under blankets or screaming your face off in a movie theatre.”
Which horror films have influenced you the most?
Zlatina Pacheva: Carrie, Scream and the original Poltergeist stand out as front-runners. I also love The Exorcist, IT, Insidious, The Ring and more recently, The Autopsy of Jane Doe.
When writing Camping Trip, I was very inspired by All The Boys Love Mandy Lane, Stage Fright and Addams Family Values (haha…but seriously).
Kevin Rigney: I really like classic horror and zombie films. The Shining, IT, Halloween, The Thing, Hellraiser and Texas Chainsaw Massacre. New age stuff; It Follows, 28 Days Later.
What are the three most important elements for a successful horror film?
Zlatina Pacheva: In my opinion: Good music and sound design, a mysterious villain or tormenting force, just the right sprinkle of comedic relief.
Kevin Rigney: Give as little information to the audience, to keep them guessing. Put the actors in a remote area with no help nearby. Lots of blood.
What books and authors have been influential to your career so far?
Zlatina Pacheva: Screenwriting – pretty much anything by Syd Field. Directing – Directing Actors, On Directing Film, An Actor Prepares. General – The Film Club by David Gilmour, Film Art.
What’s the most rewarding thing about your career right now?
Zlatina Pacheva: Working with passionate, talented humans who want to make movies for the sake of the love of movies and nothing else.
Where can we find out more about you and the Camping Trip campaign?
Zlatina Pacheva: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Indiegogo.
Thanks to Zlatina Pacheva and Kevin Rigney for speaking with us!
You can support Camping Trip right here.