
Published on March 19th, 2023 | by Biz Books

The How and the Why by Sarah Treem

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Evolution, Feminism and Destiny collide in Sarah Treem’s (House of Cards,The Affair) poignant play about science, family, and the difficult choices that women face.  Why do women menstruate? Modern science has supplied us with the “How”, but no one seems to have answered the “Why”. Rachel, a young grad student in Evolutionary Biology visits Zelda, a pioneer of the field.  She posits a radical new hypothesis to answer this very question, which just happens to challenge Zelda’s own ground-breaking work. As the two brilliant women spar over their contrary views on science, career and generational divides, the ulterior motives surrounding their intense meeting slowly begin to unravel…


Directed by Tanya Mathivanan

STARRING: Bronwen Smith & Annie Arbuckle

About the Author

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