
Published on February 23rd, 2018 | by Biz Books

Crazy8s2018: Actor Spotlight is pleased to support Crazy8s2018.

In this interview, we talked to Camillia Mahal about acting in Bordered.


Can you start by telling us a little bit about you and the Crazy8s film you are acting in?

My name is Camillia Mahal. I wish I could tell you who and what I am, but I am such a chameleon I tend to be and become a lot of things. The film I took part in is called Bordered. It’s a beautiful short film written by an amazing director called Anaisa Visser. A story of humanity and how our choices as human beings can have such a huge impact that it can mean life or death.

What kinds of preparation did you do to get into this role?

I have played a few roles on TV and film that prepared me for the role of Samira. One of them being Fatima in The Whispers and another feature called Beautiful Voice. Throughout the years, I watched a lot of footage about the crisis of war and its impact in the Middle East, and had a few friends who had actually lived through it and gave me deep insights to the gruesome world they had experienced. Tony Alcantar – a wonderful voice coach – was very kind to prep me for the accent of this role.


“There is no control in acting, all you can do is create your best art and let it go.”


What was the most memorable moment for you in this production?

There are so many beautiful moments that went on that I just cannot pinpoint one. Seeing an amazing group of cast and crew come together to work seamlessly together to create art in such a small space of time really wowed me. Working with a female director which was a first for me also was a beautiful experience. My fellow actors were also very connected, which made it delightful to work with.

What would your advice be for actors who hope to be part of a Crazy8s film in the future? 

My advice to anyone wanting to do a Crazy8s film would be to be as prepared as much as you can be as an actor beforehand, on all realms. And to have fun and breathe. Once the craft is there, you are free to explore characters.

What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned in your career thus far?

In my career the most valuable advice I have learned is let go. You can be everything and do everything right but if it’s not yours, it’s not yours. There is no control in acting, all you can do is create your best art and let it go.

What books have been important for you as an actor so far in your career?

Acting books that have inspired me have been Constantin Stanislavski‘s Creating a Role, Shea Hampton’s Trust: Acting from Source, Stella Adler’s The Technique of Acting and Lee Strasberg’s Dream of Passion.

What other projects are you working on and where can we find out more about you?

Well I was on hold for a feature but just found out I did not get it, so we shall see what the universe proceeds to bring. I’m open to dreaming, and will continue to do so.


Thanks to Camillia Mahala for speaking with us!

You can check out Bordered and the rest of the Crazy8s films on February 24th as part of the Crazy8s2018 gala.

For more information, please visit

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